Alvaston Medical Centre



Dear Patients,
We are closed in the afternoon of Wednesday 19th March from 1:30pm onwards for mandatory staff training for both clinical and non-clinical members of our team.
Should you require any urgent healthcare needs please contact 111.
The surgery will be back open as usual at 8am on Thursday 20th March.
Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
Kind regards,
Alvaston Medical Centre

Non-urgent advice: We are a Training Practice

Alvaston Medical Centre Training Practice

Alvaston Medical Centre is training practice for both undergraduate and postgraduate doctors. All our GPs have a keen interest in training and education. We support in improving primary care in the UK through education and training new GPs. Junior doctors and GPs in training make up an increasing number of doctors in primary care nationally .

These doctors are well supported by qualified GPs in practice and are always able to get advice from a qualified GP if needed. Please don’t be alarmed if a training doctor asks for advice from a senior GP during your consultation, we are committed to providing the best clinical care possible to our patients.

You may see the following doctors at Alvaston Medical Centre and Aston Surgery:

Student Doctor. A student training to become a doctor before they have qualified. You will also be seen by a qualified GP if you see a student doctor.

Foundation doctors F1 and F2. These are qualified doctors that are in their first 2 years following qualification as a doctor. They have often worked as doctors in hospitals and A&E before coming to Alvaston Medical Centre . They can always access support from a qualified GP.

GP Specialist Trainees (Registrars), GP ST. These are doctors undergoing specialist training to become a GP. They are fully qualified doctors who have worked for several years in hospital specialties before starting specialist training to be a GP. GP ST1 doctors are in their first years of specialist GP training, GP ST2 are in year 2 and GP ST3 are in their final year of training to become a GP. They always have access to support from a fully qualified GP.

Student Nurses

The practice will soon have Student Nurses on placement with us .

You may meet these Student Nurses as they shadow our clinician’s consultations.


We need to future proof the Nursing workforce and encourage student to take the path of General Practice Nursing.

We are able to provide training in 3 areas a Nurse needs to study in to qualify so we are an ideal site to train these Nurses;

·         Children

·         Elderly

·         Mental Health