The Streets We Cover

Our Practice area (coverage by street) now including The Buttercup Leys development

Our practice area for Alvaston is shown in the map below, we also cover all Aston-on-Trent, Weston-on-Trent, Shardlow, Ambaston & Thulston areas.


Ainley Close Crayford Road Lathkill Avenue Rainham Gardens Whitwell Gardens
Alum Close Dale Road Launceston Road Redruth Place Willow Croft
Alvaston Street Dawlish Court Lilac Close Robins Close Wilmington Avenue
Alwards Close Dovedale Avenue Lilian Prime Close Robson Close Windmill Close
Anderson Street Durley Close Lilley Street Rochester Close Woods Meadow
Anthony Cresent Edale Avenue Lindon Drive Rockhouse Road Wyndham Street
Anthony Drive Edith Wood Close Litchfield Drive Rosedale Avenue Yeovil Close
Arreton Court Ellastone Gardens Longshore Gardens Rosewood Close Yewtree Close
Ashcroft Close Elvaston Lane Luccombe Drive Rosslyn Gardens  
Atherfield Walk Falmouth Road Macready Place Sandalwood Close Extra Streets
Babacombe Close Farm Drive Malin Close Sandgate Close Appian Way
Baker Street – less than 300 Field Crescent Manifold Drive Sevenlands Drive Berwick Close
Barrett Street Field Drive Maple Drive Shalfleet Drive Border Cresent
Beech Avenue Field Lane Marshgreen Close Shardlow Road Calvin Close
Beech Gardens Folkestone Drive Matthew Street Shorwell Gardens Castleton Court
Bembridge Drive Franklyn Drive Meadow Nook Siddons Street (was Stoker Flats area)
Bodmin Garden Garrick Street Medina Close Sidmouth Close Chariot Close
Bonchurch Close Garth Crescent Metcalf Close St Mary’s Close Chedworth Drive
Booth Street no: 67 or less Gilbert Street Mill Hill St Michael’s Close Corinium Close
Boscastle Road Glastonbury Road Moor Drive St Michael’s View Cudborough Drive
Boulton Drive Grange Road Mottistone Close Stiles Road Denstone Drive
Boulton Lane – less than 178 & 249 Green Lane Mountfield Way Stocker Avenue Epworth Drive
Brackens Lane no:68 or less Grimshaw Avenue Mullion Place Strathmore Avenue Fairwood Drive
Brading Close Hall Street Neilson Street Taunton Close Field View Close
Branksome Avenue Halstock Drive Nesfield Close Thanet Drive Forum Close
Bridgewater Close Hardhurst Road Newborough Road The Court Goodwood Drive
Brightstone Close Harvey Road – from 665 Newport Court The Greenway Harepit Close
Caroline Close Hawthorne Avenue Newquay Place The Lees Ibsley Close
Casson Avenue Hawtrey Gardens Nunsfield Drive Thomdike Avenue Ingliston Close(check no)
Castle Croft Heathcote Close Oak Drive Thomess Close Keldholme Lane(check no)
Chapman Avenue Helston Close Oldhall Avenue Tilbury Place Rosemary Drive
Cheverton Close Holbrook Road Orchard Close Tonbridge Drive Sweetbriar Close
Church Street Holloway Road Padstow Road Trent Street Tiber Close
Colwell Drive Holt Avenue Pendennis Close Trevone Court Watermeadow Rd
Commill Close Irving Place Penzance Road Wadebridge Green  
Compton Close Kean Place Peterlee Place Waldene Drive  
Cornmill Close Kelmoor Road Petersham Drive Waldorf Avenue  
Coronation Avenue Kemble Place Pool Close Waldorf Close  
Courtland Drive Kynance Close Poplar Close Walnut Avenue  
Courtlands Gardens Lang Road Radford Street Wesley Road  

Buttercup Leys Development: We now welcome registrations from the following streets/roads:
Askerton Close Bewley Court Chilham Way Kimbolton Way Langley Close Longthorpe Road Lulworth Road Lumley Close Marisco Close Netley Road Northborough Way Rowton Way Skelton Close Woodsford Drive